type alias Model =
{ password : String }
type Msg =
PasswordEntered String
{|- should only start validating if the player has not typed for 500 ms
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg =
case msg of
NameEntered pass =
{ model |> validate pass, Cmd.none }
type alias Model =
{ password : String
, debouncing : Maybe ( Field, Float )
type Msg =
PasswordEntered String
| TimePassed
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg =
case msg of
NameEntered pass =
{ model | debouncing = Just ( pass, 500 ) }
TimePassed ->
case debouncing of
Just ( pass, secsLeft ) ->
if secsLeft <= 0 then
( { model | debouncing = Nothing }
|> validate pass
, Cmd.none)
( { model
| debouncing =
( pass, secsLeft - checkEveryMs )
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions { debouncing } =
case debouncing of
Just _ ->
Time.every 100 (always TimePassed)
Nothing ->
How can I validate the password only if the user has not typed for 500ms?
Subscribe to time passing, based on whether a password need to be debounced or not. Start counting down the ms that have passed and then update.