How to structure an Elm project?

The answer to this question can be found in the Beginning Elm book. This question will therefore be removed at some time in the future.

Do not overuse: Files are allowed to get quite big without needing to split them.

type Task =
        { name : String
        , completed : Bool

createTask : String -> Task

completeTask : Task -> Task

type Form a =
    Valid a
    | Invalid a
    | Partial a

validate : (Form a -> Form ()) -> Form a -> Form a

type alias TaskForm =
    { name : String
    , validated : Bool

validateTaskForm : Form TaskForm -> Form ()

type User =
        { name : String
        , lastOnline : Posix

createUser : String -> Posix -> User

type alias UserForm =
    { name : String
    , password : String
    , validated : Bool

validateUserForm : Form UserForm -> Form ()

type alias TodoPageModel =
    { form :
        Form TaskForm
    , todo : Array Task
    , User : User

type alias LoginPageModel =
    Form UserForm

type Model =
    LoginPage LoginPageModel
    | TodoPage TodoPageModel

type LoginPageMsg =
    NameEntered String
    | PasswordEntered String
    | Submited 
    | GotTime Posix

type TodoPageMsg =
    | TaskAdded String
    | TaskCompleted Int
    | TaskDeleted

type Msg =
    LoginSpecific LoginPageMsg
    | TodoSpecific TodoPageMsg

init : () -> Model

updateTodoPage : TodoPageModel -> (TodoPageModel, Cmd TodoPageMsg)

updateLoginPage : LoginPageModel -> (LoginPageModel, Cmd LoginPageMsg)

update : Msg -> (Model, Cmd Msg) -> (Model, Cmd Msg)

viewUserForm : Form UserForm -> Html Msg

viewLoginPage : LoginPageModel -> Html Msg

viewTask : Task -> Html Msg

viewTaskForm : Form TaskForm -> Html Msg

viewTodoPage : TodoPageModel -> Html Msg

view : Model -> Html Msg

subscription : Model -> Sub Msgexpos


How should I structure my Elm project?


Use the following file structure:

  • Main.elm - Contains the main code

  • Data.elm - Contains utility functions for types (like constants)

    • Data/.. - Contains types. Group them logically, for example User and UserForm into Data/User.elm.

  • View.elm - Contains utility functions for views (like view specific constants and very general function.)

    • View/.. - Contains different Views. Sometimes a type has different views. A login page might have a special view for a wrong login.

  • Page.elm - Contains utility functions for pages. For page-transitions its handy to store the different models in here.

    • Page/.. - Contains a Model/View/Update for every page.

  • .. - in the same style you can add your project specific folders like a separate folder for validation.

Further reading

Last updated